Why You Should Be Your Dog's Obsession: A Guide to Focused Dog Training

When it comes to effective dog training, one of the most important things to consider is what your dog chooses to focus their attention on—grow an obsession, if you will. Dogs naturally develop strong attachments to activities, places, and people. If you’re not paying close attention, your dog might start fixating on things that aren’t beneficial for their training and behaviour. To ensure your dog is putting their energy in the right place, it’s crucial to guide their focus early on and make sure you, as their owner, are the centre of their attention.

TrailWag Dog looking and listenign to owner, golden doodle Kingston Ontario Dog Training

Build the Right Obsessions

Imagine this: you take your dog to the dog park every day. Over time, the dog park becomes your dog’s favourite place—their hobby. While playing appropriately with other dogs and exercising are great, this daily routine can unintentionally make the dog park the highlight of your dog’s day. This might sound harmless, but it can make it harder to pivot your dog’s focus back to you. In other words, the dog park becomes your dog’s passion instead of you.

If your dog is more excited about the park than about interacting with you, it’s time to rethink how you’re spending your training time. You want to be your dog’s passion—the one thing they are obsessed with—especially during training sessions. This means you might need to limit their access to the dog park or other stimulating environments until you have built a strong foundation where your dog sees you as their main source of excitement and fulfilment.

dogs playing at the dog park trailwag kingston ontario dog training

Be the Focus of Your Dog’s Attention

During the early stages of dog training, it’s important to be thoughtful about where your dog’s energy and focus are directed. If you don’t offer as much value as the dog park or other external stimuli, your dog will naturally choose those over you. The key is to become the most rewarding part of your dog’s day.

To do this, start by controlling their environment. Limit their access to other outlets of entertainment that don’t involve you. This way, you become the primary source of their joy and engagement. For example, instead of letting your dog run wild at the park, focus on interactive play and training sessions with you. Use treats, toys, and praise to make these interactions more rewarding. The more you make yourself the focus, the more your dog will look to you for guidance and fun.

Dog looking up at owner focused during dog training trailwag kingston ontario

Conclusion: Start Your Journey to a Well-Trained Dog

Remember, early in your dog training, be intentional about where your dog’s energy and focus are directed. By making yourself the centre of your dog’s world, you’ll build a stronger bond and make training more effective. If you’re struggling to become the focus of your dog’s attention, it might be time to consider professional help.

Ready to make yourself the centre of your dog’s world? Book a private training session with TrailWag today and start building a strong, focused relationship with your dog.


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Building a Strong Human-Dog Relationship Through Effective Training